Tree Locator

You can use the interactive map below to locate and select any individual tree in the arboretum, and discover more information about it.
tip lightbulb If you tap on the 'View Larger Map' button at the top right of the map, this opens it in Google Maps and you can then get the 'blue dot' which shows your current location. This makes it easier if you want to find a specific tree while visiting the arboretum.
Switch to the list view to get a table showing each tree planted so far. If you need directions to the arboretum, please head over to the Find Us page.
1 Blue Atlas Cedar B
2 Blue Atlas Cedar D
3 Giant Redwood C
4 Giant Redwood D
5 Tulip Tree C
6 Tulip Tree C
7 Rockhampton Red C
8 Rockhampton Red C
9 Chestnut Leafed Oak C
10 Chestnut Leafed Oak C
11 Black Walnut C
12 Black Walnut C
13 European White Elm C
14 European White Elm C
15 Sweetgum C
16 Sweetgum C
17 Weeping Silver Lime C
18 Weeping Silver Lime C
19 Freeman’s Maple C
20 Freeman’s Maple C
21 Pin Oak C
22 Pin Oak C
23 Oriental Plane C
24 Oriental Plane C
25 Giant Redwood B
26 Corsican Pine E
27 Monterey Pine E
28 Monterey Pine E
29 Western Yellow Pine E
30 Monterey Pine E
31 Western Yellow Pine D
32 Monterey Pine D
33 Corsican Pine D
34 Monterey Pine D
35 Corsican Pine C
36 Corsican Pine C
37 Western Yellow Pine C
38 Monterey Pine C
39 Western Yellow Pine C
40 Western Yellow Pine C
41 Corsican Pine C
42 Corsican Pine C
43 Monterey Pine C
44 Western Yellow Pine C
45 Corsican Pine B
46 Western Yellow Pine B
47 Corsican Pine A
48 Monterey Pine A
49 Western Yellow Pine A
50 Corsican Pine A
51 Corsican Pine A
52 Monterey Pine A
53 Western Yellow Pine A
54 European White Elm D
55 European White Elm D
56 Sweetgum D
57 Freeman’s Maple B
58 Freeman’s Maple B
59 Katsura B
60 Katsura B
61 Pin Oak B
62 Oriental Plane B
63 Weeping Silver Lime B
64 Cork Screw Willow E
65 Cork Screw Willow E
66 Swamp Cypress E
67 Swamp Cypress E
68 Swamp Cypress E
69 Dawn Redwood E
70 Dawn Redwood E
71 Dawn Redwood E
72 Dawn Redwood E
73 Dawn Redwood E
74 Cut Leaved Alder E
75 Cut Leaved Alder E
76 Katsura E
77 Service Tree A
78 Small Leaved Lime A
79 Small Leaved Lime A
80 Small Leaved Lime A
81 Weeping Silver Lime A
82 Chinese Mahogany A
83 Chinese Mahogany A
84 Tulip Tree A
85 Tulip Tree A
86 Tulip Tree A
87 Serbian Spruce A
88 Persian Ironwood A
89 Persian Ironwood A
90 Japanese Elm A
91 Japanese Elm A
92 Japanese Elm A
93 European Hop Hornbeam A
94 European Hop Hornbeam A
95 European Hop Hornbeam A
96 Ohio Buckeye A
97 Ohio Buckeye A
98 Yellow Buckeye A
99 Yellow Buckeye A
100 Sessile Oak B
101 Sessile Oak B
102 Sessile Oak B
103 Nuttall’s Oak B
104 Nuttall’s Oak B
105 Nuttall’s Oak B
106 Burr Oak B
107 Burr Oak B
108 Burr Oak B
109 Sawtooth Oak B
110 Sawtooth Oak B
111 Southern Red Oak B
112 Southern Red Oak B
113 Lucombe Oak B
114 Lucombe Oak B
115 Maidenhair Tree B
116 Black Poplar E
117 Black Poplar E
118 Black Poplar E
119 Black Poplar E
120 Black Poplar E
121 Weeping Silver Lime A
122 Hungarian Oak B
123 Hungarian Oak B
124 Hungarian Oak B
125 Service Tree A
126 Service Tree A
127 Juneberry A
128 Juneberry A
129 Juneberry A
130 Persian Ironwood A
131 Fern Leaved Beech B
132 Fern Leaved Beech B
133 Fern Leaved Beech B
134 Lebanese Cedar C
135 Lebanese Cedar D
136 Chinese Cut Leaved Wingnut D
137 Black Birch E
138 Erman's Birch E
139 Erman's Birch E
140 Erman's Birch E
141 Himalayan Birch E
142 Himalayan Birch E
143 Himalayan Birch E
144 Chinese Red Birch E
145 Chinese Red Birch E
146 Chinese Red Birch E
147 Necklace Poplar E
148 Necklace Poplar E
149 Fiorente Elm E
150 Rebona Elm E
151 Fiorente Elm E
152 Rebona Elm D
153 Fiorente Elm D
154 Rebona Elm D
155 Fiorente Elm C
156 Rebona Elm C
157 Fiorente Elm A
158 Rebona Elm A
159 Field Elm A
160 Field Elm A
161 Field Elm A
162 Field Elm A
163 Field Elm A
164 Cricket Bat Willow E


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