Tree Selection

Trees Introduction

The trees we have planted so far have been selected to give all round interest and variety. As you can see they are beautiful in many different ways, with different shaped leaves and changing colours through the seasons. They also bring a variety of flowers and catkins in spring and summer, and then in autumn, fruit, cones and seeds of many types.

They have also been chosen specifically to suit the site and soil at Hampshire Farm Meadows, and with the climate, both now and in the future, in mind. The Planting Programme will first establish the main layout of the site, with larger trees providing structure and shelter from the wind, before adding other trees in a planned layout.

Tap on a tree's name to discover more information about it and also locate it in the arboretum.


Western Yellow Pine

Pinus ponderosa

A tall conical evergreen conifer making a large tree with handsome, scaly brown bark. Needles dark green, up to 25cm in length, mostly clustered at branch ends. Cones about 15cm in length. Tolerant of damp or dry conditions and an exposed location. Native to the whole rocky mountain range.

Yellow Buckeye

Aesculus flava