As part of Hampshire Forest Partnership's Disease Resistant Elms Trial, 10 Disease Resistant Elms have been planted around the arboretum.
The EVMA needed a little help to plant the 10 Disease Resistant Elms (5 Ulmus ‘fiorente’ and 5 Ulmus ‘rebona’) which had arrived too late from Hampshire Forest Partnership for the annual tree planting event.
As the Friends of Hampshire Farm Meadows had a regular work party on the 28th of December we willingly obliged, and it was a good excuse to work off our Christmas dinners.
The trees were large at about ten feet tall, but were very healthy looking specimens. With nine willing workers the large holes required took no time at all to dig. The trees have been planted in the southern boundary hedge because before Dutch elm disease they were always a common site in hedgerows.
Below is a selection of photos of the Elm planting.